Jacqui Mace
Jacqui Mace, Principal of Stanmore College, has worked in the education sector for 26 years following a six year career as a medical researcher. After six years in secondary education Jacqui joined the FE sector as a lecturer at West Oxfordshire College later joining Newham Sixth Form College as a co-ordinator. After 10 years of enjoyable and successful work at NewVIc Jacqui moved to the much larger Barking College and after a further three years gained her first principalship at Stanmore.Jacqui completed a BSc in biology as a part-time student at Hatfield Polytechnic – now the University of Hertfordshire. She has a PGCE – and an enduring interest – in applied science. She completed an MSc in education studies at Oxford University becoming one of the first cohort of students at the university to complete a part-time Masters level degree through course-work and dissertation only. These degrees are now a thriving part of the university’s offer.
She is proud to be a member of Kellogg College – the newest of the Oxford colleges. In April 2008 she became one of the first ten principals in the country to achieve the Principals Qualifying Programme – a programme she thoroughly enjoyed and found of great value. In 2009 Jacqui became a fellow of the Chartered Management Institute and a Chartered Manager, building on the experience and skills developed through the PQP. Her Chartered Manager status was reaccredited in 2013.Being involved more widely in the FE sector is important and Jacqui is the AoC London representative on the London RSC committee and the post 14 network based at the Institute of Education. She is involved in the AoC’s principals’ portfolio groups for sport and enterprise.Jacqui has five children and an ever-increasing number of grand-children and enjoys family life and travel. She has a total commitment to the value of education and its power to improve lives, particularly for adults and those who need a second chance. As a trustee of the Helena Kennedy Foundation, Jacqui hopes to be able to do more to help learners achieve their potential.